主题:LOC... EASY AS 1,2,3!
报告人:Martin Storey, Well Data Quality Assurance,Asia Pacific
LQC... All would agree that bad data should not be let into the organization’s systems and its decision-making processes, yet there are no industry standard methods on how best to assure this for well log data. Electric well logs are the principal data sets for all geotechnical personnel in this industry: logs generally constitute the main continuous and relatively high-resolution records describing a wellbore, and they are available over the main depth intervals of most wells drilled for hydrocarbon exploration and production.
The specialized contractor companies that acquire the logs have quality management systems in place to ensure compliance and consistency with their own specifications. The data deliverables are therefore subject to some quality control before delivery to the operating companies, although it is of a general nature and focused on the acquired data, rather than on their future exploitation.
On delivery, the responsibility for any post-acquisition quality control of the well logs frequently falls on inadequately trained and supervised geotechnical persons, who may skim over it on account of its being “too hard” or “too urgent”. People responsible for log quality control frequently report that they find it “difficult” or “overwhelming” and that they “don’t know where to start”. Subject matter experts themselves know that logs must always be checked and perhaps conditioned before they can be used. Yet few of them have simultaneously the knowledge, the experience, the reference information, the tools and the time to verify the fitness-for-purpose of the data methodically and confidently. This systematic requirement is costly for organizations, and its uncertainty exposes them to unnecessary risks. The situation is exacerbated by concurrent increases in the variety, volume and complexity of the log data and in their rates of change.
There must be a better way to assure log data quality and readiness for exploitation. A framework is proposed to formalize and simplify log quality control in operating companies and other data-user organizations.
Martin Storey is an independent practising Petrophysicist with over 25 years of industry experience, of which over 20 in the Asia-Pacific region. His academic background in mathematics makes him passionate about clear and rigorous work, and he learned during his early career in the field, to focus on practicality. He is based in Perth, Western Australia, from where he runs Well Data QA, "helping organisations increase the value of their well data while lowering costs of acquisition and exploitation".
Conference Topic: :Martin Talk
TIme:2020/7/2 20:00-22:00
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Conference ID:801 231 564
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Conference Topic::Martin Talk 2
Time:2020/7/3 10:00-12:00
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Conference ID:883 557 367
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