SPWLA西南分会2022年度学术会议 2022 Annual Meeting of Southwest China Chapter of SPWLA 会议时间:2023年01月14日 9:00-18:00 Time: 9:00-18:00, 14th January, 2023, Beijing Time Zone 会议地点:长江大学武汉校区(线上) Location: Wuhan Campus, Yangtze University 腾讯网络会议室:436821981 密码123456 Online conference: Wemeet number 436821981, Password: 123456 会议链接 WeMeet Link:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/UYJhKBagauzO | |||
时 间 Time | 报告题目 Title | 报告人 Speaker | 主持人 Moderator |
9:00-9:10 | 开场介绍及西南分会2022年工作汇报 Opening remark and working report of SPWLA Southwest Chapter | 王华教授(电子科技大学,SPWLA西南分会主席) Professor Hua Wang, UESTC, President of Southwest Chapter | 赵彬 Bin Zhao |
9:10-9:40 | 特邀报告:分布式光纤应变传感在非常规油气田中的应用 Distributed strain sensing applications in unconventional reservoirs | 金戈教授(科罗拉多矿业学院) Professor Ge Jin, Colorado School of Mines | |
9:40-10:10 | 特邀报告:页岩孔渗精确测量实验方法讨论 Discussion on accurate measurement methods for shale porosity and permeability | 潘哲君教授(东北石油大学) Professor Zhejun Pan, Northeast Petroleum University | |
10:10-10:25 | 高端岩屑分析在工程甜点识别中的应用 Application of advanced cuttings analysis in engineering sweet spot identification | 王国学(CGG) Guoxue Wang, CGG | 聂昕 Xin Nie |
10:25-10:40 | 数字岩心技术在页岩油地质工程一体化研究中的应用 Application of digital core technology in integration research of geology and engineering for shale oil | 冷振鹏(欧勒姆能源科技) Zhenpeng Leng, Oleum Energy Technology | |
10:40-10:55 | 智能集成化磁共振技术的发展及工业化应用 The progress and expectations of high-performance integrated NMR technology | 郭葆鑫(北京青檬艾柯) Baoxin Guo, Beijing Limecho Technology Co., Ltd | |
10:55-11:10 | 基于恒定梯度模式的核磁共振选层测试方法设计及应用 Design and application of spatially resolved T2 test method based on constant gradient mode | 吴飞(纽迈科技) Fei Wu, Suzhou NIUMAG | 肖文联Wenlian Xiao |
11:10-11:25 | 页岩油二维核磁共振研究进展 Recent progress on the 2D NMR research of shale oil | 郭江峰(中国石油大学(北京)) Jiangfeng Guo, CUPB | |
11:25-11:40 | 页岩油气流动成像模拟实验及解释方法研究 Study on simulation experiment and interpretation method of shale oil and gas flow imaging | 刘军锋(长江大学) Junfeng Liu, Yangtze University | |
11:40-11:55 | 水平井气水两相流动态特征参数监测及评价方法研究 Monitoring and Evaluation Methods for Characteristic Parameters of Gas-Water Flow in Horizontal Wells | 陈猛(西南石油大学) Meng Chen, SWPU | |
11:55-14:00 | 休息 Lunch Break | ||
14:00-14:30 | 特邀报告:中国石化一体化测井软件平台(LogPlus)研发 The development of the SINOPEC integrated well logging platform LogPlus | 王卫教授(中石化石油工程技术研究院) Professor Wei Wang, SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering | 漆乔木 Qiaomu Qi |
14:30-14:45 | 超高速盖层相关的转换波现象及其影响:物理模拟实验及墨西哥湾盐丘边界VSP数据分析 Examining the significance of the converted-modes beneath an ultra-high-velocity caprock: physical modeling and a Gulf of Mexico salt proximity VSP survey | 宗晶晶(电子科技大学) Jingjing Zong, UESTC | |
14:45-15:00 | 套管井超声波环空介质-地层界面逆时偏移成像 Imaging of Cased-Hole Structures Using Reverse Time Migration Based on Ultrasonic Pitch-Catch Measurements | 李萌(西安石油大学) Meng Li, Xi'an Shiyou University | |
15:00-15:15 | 倾斜裂缝对声传播影响实验研究及其应用 Experimental study on the effect of oblique fracture on wave transmission and its application | 蔡明(长江大学) Ming Cai, Yangtze University | |
15:15-15:30 | 同时反演泥浆与环空介质声阻抗的超声回波固井质量评价方法研究 An algorithm to simultaneously inverse the mud and cement impedances from the pulse-echo measurement in a cased-hole | 杨耿骁(电子科技大学) Gengxiao Yang, UESTC | |
15:30-15:45 | 一种提高裸眼井可控源中子孔隙度测井灵敏度的仪器设计方案 A new design for improving the sensitivity of D-T source neutron porosity tool in open hole logging | 张泉滢(长江大学) Quanying Zhang, Yangtze University | 闫建平 Jianping Yan |
15:45-16:00 | 考虑孔隙分布对孔隙电传输能力影响的导电模型 A model of electrical conductivity considering the effect of pore distribution on the electrical transmission capacity of pores | 朱林奇(中科院深海所) Linqi Zhu, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS | |
16:00-16:15 | 基于孔喉腔模型研究孔隙结构对于多孔介质孔隙度指数的影响 Investigating the effect of pore structure on the porosity exponents of the porous media based on pore throat conjunction model | 王海涛(重庆科技学院) Haitao Wang, Chongqing University of Science and Technology | |
16:15-16:30 | 川南CN地区低阻页岩气储层特征及饱和度评价方法 Characteristics and saturation evaluation method of low resistivity shale gas reservoir in CN area of south Sichuan | 黄莉莎(西南石油大学) Lisha Huang, SWPU | 赖富强 Fuqiang Lai |
16:30-16:45 | 压裂施工曲线在深层页岩气水平井裂缝测井评价中的应用 Application of fracturing construction curve in fracture logging evaluation of deep shale gas horizontal wells | 来思俣(西南石油大学) Siyu Lai, SWPU | |
16:45-17:00 | 基于数字岩心的深层页岩气储层可压性评价模型研究 Study on fracturing properties evaluation model of deep shale gas reservoir based on digital core | 刘粤蛟(重庆科技学院) Yuejiao Liu, Chongqing University of Science and Technology | |
17:00-17:15 | 基于高频信息增强的超声测井图像超分辨率重建算法 Super-resolution reconstruction algorithm of ultrasonic logging images based on high frequency enhancement | 李志鹏(电子科技大学) Zhipeng Li, UESTC | |
17:15-18:00 | 自由发言 Free Talk | Invited | 王华 Hua Wang |
Southwest China Chapter,SPWLA
School of Geophysics and Petroleum Resources, Yangtze University
School of Resources and Environment, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation
School of Geoscience and Technology,Southwest Petroleum University
School of Geophysics,Chengdu University of Technology
School of Petroleum Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology
School of Geophysics, China University of Petroleum, Beijing
Institute of Unconventional Oil & Gas, Northeast Petroleum University
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