
会议注册火热进行中 | 2019SEG裂缝储层与非常规资源技术研讨会

2019-10-05 16:49:34 administrator 114

2019 SEG Fractured Reservoir & Unconventional Resources Forum: Prospects and Challenges in the Era of Big Data


2019 SEG Fractured Reservoir & Unconventional Resources Forum: Prospects and Challenges in the Era of Big Data


Oil and gas from fractured and unconventional reservoirs play an increasingly important role in global Hydrocarbon supply. The exploration and development of these reservoirs have encountered some bottlenecks and provided great challenges to conventional technologies, which renders a lot of opportunities for geoscientists and engineers to develop new concepts and innovative solutions. 


To promote and facilitate the technology development in these areas, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) jointly with Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development-Northwest (NWGI), Petrochina will hold the “2019 SEG Fractured Reservoir & Unconventional Resources Forum: Prospects and Challenges in the Era of Big Data” on 1-3 September 2019 in Lanzhou China. 


The forum will focus on the technology development of fracture and unconventional resources, and will invite top experts from China and across the world to share knowledge, insights and experiences, and to spark new ideas around the following topics:

· 面向裂缝与非常规油气的地震处理方法

· 裂缝与非常规储层预测理论与方法

· 高精度流体识别方法

· 裂缝储层与非常规储层表征方法

· 人工智能与油气物探

· 实例探究

· Seismic processing methods for fracture and unconventional reservoirs
· Theory and methods for fractured and unconventional reservoir detection
· Characterization methods for fractured and unconventional reservoirs
· High resolution fluid identification methods
· Application potential of AI
· Case studies